I give it a 7,000 out of 10,000. I played a few games with Brad's build and enjoyed it. I was on a medium map, custom SOV, Gilden, max players, ridiculous all settings, where I had one city as a chokepoint with like 6 behind it safely protected. Instead of roflstomping the AI, I built that bad boy up to a fortress, trained some dragons, and rocked out an 11 man hero team. Wanted to experience the end game tech trees and such. Lo and behold, my fortress city suddenly lost a bunch of its buildings and I was like wtf just happened. Must be a bug. So I started building it up again and hot dawg, the was left with like 4 buildings. At this point I was like holy crap, is the tile limit all hosed? And then it dawned on me, sweet gildar, the AI cast Earthquake on my city not once, but twice! Kudos to the AI but then I realized I had no idea which AI did it and wished the UI had told me 1. my city was hit with earthquake and 2. who dun it? I then looked for the spell to make cities immune from offensive spells and realized that spell must have been removed in one of the patches cuz I couldn't find it. At any rate, I then proceeded to attack every AI city and raze them all. Must give those lands back to the monsters. Sweet justice.
Seriously though, my takeaways on that game:
1. Announcement in UI of enemy spell action against my city would have been nice
2. Telling me who did it would be cool too - cuz I just had to open up a can of whoop ass on 'em all
3. Please consider putting some kind of spell casting protection for cities back in there (If it's there and I missed it then I'm a dumbass)
Good work, Brad and crew. It's coming along.