Quoting PaxTerminus, reply 117Everybody makes bad professional decisions from time to time. Some - like the banking industry with those mortgage-backed securities - make disasterous decisions that destroy lifes of millions... Most of us don't do anything important enough for the world to know things we did wrong.
That does not mean somebody is a bad professional. They made a bad judgement call, or had a boss that made a bad judgement call. They were denided sufficient funding, or put in front of a crippling deadline. There is a million reasons for a single product to go bad...
Everybody who read my review of Civ5 knows I am not in love with that game. The thing is although the hindsight is always 20/20 I am not sure I would do a beter job when starting with a blank whiteboard...
True but bad judgments calls are usually signaled out, either by the person themselves, their peers or outside persons. This seems to be the only industry on the planet that claims anyone who tries to attribute responsibility to them is a troll and offensive. It's ridiculous really. Still, there is no way to blame him specifically for things, but i think's perfectly fair for those who dislike Civ V, which is not a small number, to be skeptical and a little wary which does not equate to attacking him personally. It should be more like this team (the developer, the publisher and all the peeps involved), destroyed this game and now certain communities are angry. I don't want to see people personally attacked, especially by people who have no clue what exactly he was responsible for, but it doesn't help having people like Brad running around almost claiming that no one has responsibility for these screw up so shut the hell up. As usual, in gaming it's always the clients fault. That just stokes a fire. I am disappointed too. Civ V has ended a long run of loving civ games for me, since the first game actually, but I don't equate that to a disasterous game so much as another dumbed down let's pander to the impatient crowd move. It won't be the first or lat series i write off. Elemental was disaster and unfinished game...
It's really a good sign people even give a shit about Elemental at this point because most games with this kind of release would take their beating on forums and with reviews, wind up in a bargain bin and not be talked about again.
Well, we all make mistakes. It's part of being human. What we do after is most important. How we correct the mistake and ensure that it doesn't happen again.
Elemental's release was a disaster. Everyone knows this and Brad has admitted as much.
However, huge steps have been made to correct it. Some very impressive talent has been hired over the last few months and Stardock is literally putting their money where their mouth is. Also, the CEO has even gone on record as saying that he'd be willing to take a loss in order to retain the company's good name or something like that.
That is something I truly respect and I am sure others do too. Perhaps this is why people still "give a shit" about Elemental.
As far as Jon Shafer goes, I think he certainly made some mistakes with Civilization 5. I thought the game was piss poor. However, that's water under the bridge for me now. Now Jon Shafer is with Stardock and working on Elemental. So, I'd like to see him apply his considerable talents in improving the game.
Anyway, I'd love to see the same steps taken by Firaxis to fix Civilization 5 but I'm certainly not holding my breath.