Thanks all, looking forward to helping make Elemental and future Stardock games amazing.
And stirring up a bit of trouble on the forums from time to time, of course.
Interesting... you show up here, which is good, as opposed to that other forum I am also part of...
I am one of your most emphatic, harsh critics. I will never hide behind a veil of hipocresy, so that is that. I still think you are the main responsible for what happened to Civ 5, but I also realize that it will be good to see you using your "second" chance. This is your chance to show us all that you were not behind the worst design decisions for Civ5. In that sense, welcome.
But I will continue to lay a critic eye on what you do, specially now, because I decided to come to Elemental running away from your design for Civ5, only to find you here now. As of now, I suspended my imminent buy of Elemental, and will wait to see what happens to it now that you are part of the team.
This is your chance, boy. Show me wrong!