My thoughts:
Brad doesn't need to call fans insane, frankly thats unwise and I'm surprised he did as much. Truth is self evident and we have anonymous posters like us for that.
I have significant brand loyalty to stardock for their efforts with GalCiv, their execution with Stardock/Impulse/Other Products, their unflagging responsible outlook on software security, and their role in Sins of a Solar Empire (though obviously Ironclad needs a big hurrah for that).
I think judging a game which requires a major studio thousands of man hours to produce and a large staff on 1 man is reckless and frankly mean-spirited. Which is exactly the sort of attitudes on both sides of the aisle (customer/business) that produced all the things most people hate most about games today: unstable releases, blatant lack of support, derogatory security. Don't even get me started on Fallout 3 and Games for Windows Live.
I would also note that in another time and place, circa 1850-60 it would not be questioned for Jon to challenge you to a pistol duel. And if it were considered honorable to do so, I would indeed buy a ticket to see and likely root for Jon.