Some old ideas, some new ideas, both big and little that need to be considered to improve the Game.
Races need to be each unique either through appearance of armor and weapons, and/or through bonuses and penalties. Each race should look different in their armor. Having slightly different eye/skin/hair color among the 6 tribes of humans means shit under the armor, they all look alike.
When creating a custom faction, we need to be able to tell which bonuses don't work with Empire or Kingdom, seems simple, but apparently not. Also, when I am choosing colors for my faction, I should be able to see it modeled on model on the right. Hard? Think not. Also, I should be able to change skin and hair color for my factions.
I should be able to play agaisnt enemy factions ,and I should have the ability to design their AI like I was able to do in GalCiv2.
When starting the game, I should have the option of how many neutral factions there are, how many resources there are, and so forth, options, options. Things that we had in GalCiv2.
Minor factions should be a little more active, and have a large diplomacy rating so AI doesn't just wipe them off the map for no gain. Let them at least arm themselves, have a few spells, and maybe a few troops and send out caravans. They should even be able to create a little army, and maybe have special troops that can help allies. Like if the Orekeepers ones had troops with that pressed iron armor and longswords they make, they could at least protest themselves, and if they are are conquered, instead of them disappearing, that neutral city is special and can only produce their special troop and items, making them both valuable to keep alive or conquer, depending on how you play. Also, non human factions would be nice.
Quest are too few, and fairly pointless. Why put the work into getting the Sovereign sword, when by the time I have it, I have better weapons? Orthe Sov Shield I can buy. Make quest items special for the whole game and unique. More quest, and have them pop up randomly. Also, maybe a random event that is centered around one of your champions and they have a quest. "Viy, you must seek out the great Sage at Darkroot Mountain" and then Viy gets some special item or ability. Something like that.
When you take a tech that produces the resource, please make the fucking resource pop in my fucking area. Great, I got darklings that showed up in Kraxis control, hope they pick the same tech and theirs shows up over here so I can use it. Dumb people, really.
And Stop letting other factions create cities in your area of influence. So stupid.
Sovs need to follow the int requirements of casting, or you need to make int more important to the damage that spells cause, otherwise, I will continue to make retarded Sovs.
Make allitems usable for everyone. Why can only humans of the race of men can wear the Azor quest armor or the the pressed iron armor and why can't Ambrose wear human armor? Frustrating.
Add "wizardly" items to the game. Maybe I don't want all my Sovs, champs, or children to be iron clad warriors. How about magic robes that don't offer as much protection as iron armor, but add dodge bonus, and magic staffs that work like bows?
We need separate light armor tracts and heavy armor tech paths, maybe I don't want to specialize in heavy steel armor, maybe I am a iron poor nation, so I specialize in armor that needs less iron, but provides more mobility and agility? Add back in the scale and chain armor and make them an alternative to the heavier, more iron costly armors.
Champions need to be more diverse and interesting. They are all human now, they all have boring clothes or leather armor on. Wow, boring. They should be each of a race or nationality, and list it in their description, "Viy a Yoren", or Tarth, or whatever, and since every faction has a unique look to them, armor wise, they will stand out in your army, most likely as they have their own armor look and color scheme. Neat, huh? Also, a Champion with a city based profession, like farmer, should gain exp every turn he sits in a city that uses his skill. They should have different personalities, and maybe form rivalries or enemies with other champions, they should have loyalty and a glory stat, if you are not giving them chances to gain glory, like combat then they get less loyal, or if you keep using a farmer to fight, then they lose loyalty. Champions shouldn't be killed, they should be captured and put in prison and traded on the diplomacy screen.
Tactical combat needs a complete overhaul. Units need ZOC, meaning that you can't just rush past the unit or through units. Spells and Arrows need much smaller ranges, you should have to position yourself to land a good shot. We need meaningful terrain. 3D terrain like in Final Fantasy Tactics battles, or at least rivers, mountains, forest, things that change movement, line of sight, and dodge bonus. Movmentand positioning, make up, of your armies should be very important. Unit types, like Heavy, light infantry and mounted should provide bonuses based on the terrain that the battle is fought and who they are fighting. Look to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Brigandine, and Final Fantasy Tactics for ideas. They are old games, so don't tell my the new fancy game cant do it.
No reason to have the entire kingdom disapear like a fart in the wind when the Sov is defeated. That should casue the faction to have a new leader rise up, either a child or a Champion, and maybe the remaining empire splits up into factions. Also, see Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Need random events, like the ones that GalCiv2 had and FFH2 had. Also, more interesting world places, like FFH2 had that trapped angel, that stonehenge thing that provided certain bonuses with some of the factions. Or giant dragon bones, neat shit like that, that makes me think, oh cool, this part of the world is special, unique.
Thats's it for now, sure I will think of more.