untimate elemental wrote:
"Thanks for the update.
I hope multiplayer won't suck up too much of your resources.
The main thrust of the game is single player and their are still bug fixes (out of memory crashes), ui improvements, ai improvements and balancing issues + magic system improvements + combat system improvements that need to be done. I hope those areas get the most focus going forward."
I wholeheartedly agree: And I hope frogboy reads this. I would especially like to see the tactical system fixed via some sort of:
Primary quick fix = each unit moves/attacks/fortify /casts/etc. based on its individual initiative relative to all other units in tactical screen. This replaces all of one side's units 'acting', then all the other side's units 'act.' The number of action points = number of 'moves/attacks/casts that unit may attempt. Initiative is how quickly the unit will decide, if enabled to act, and begin using that turns action points. Action points = how 'much' a unit can attempt. Initiative = the sequence in which it may begin 'moving/acting/casting/fortifying' relative to ALL other units on the battle screen
Then, perhaps, address fixing the tactical system completely:
1. bow attenuation = attack strength that decreases as range to target increases, each bow type has max range.
2. casting time as related to complexity of spell and Magic user's current level. The length of time to prepare casting spells may be shortened based upon how much the caster's current level exceeds the level of spell being cast. Example: Level 5 caster casts a level 2 spell much faster that casting a level 4 spell, etc.
basic commands: Move = unit attempts to move towards selected square. Attack = unit attempts to attack enemy unit. Fortify = unit attempts to fortify in current location (must currently have fortify skill from tech research). Cast = magic user attempts to begin casting selected spell (which, obviously, must already be known by the magic user).
New basic command: Follow and attack = melee unit attempts to close with the selected enemy unit and melee attack it.
conditional commands: are set of 'reacting' commands given to units that don't move/attack/fortify/cast. These commands may be attempted by the unit IF the enemy does certain things. Reaction commands may be given to appropriate units that are not given a basic command.
Melee charge unit moves towards and melee attacks first enemy that approaches within # squares.
Missle attack = archery unit launch arrow volley against first enemy unit that closes distance to set # of squares.
Missle counter volley = Archery unit fires back at enemy archers that fire on it. Decisions for player: do you want your archers to fire back at other archers? or save their arrows for a possible melee against themselves and/or nearby friendly melee units they are supporting?)
Skrimish away = unit will move away from approaching enemy so as to maintain a specifically chosen # of squares between it and 'approaching' enemy unit, and generally towards the 'friendly' side or nearest friendly unit. Unit always saves enough action points to melee the first enely that moves adjacant.
NOTE: This eliminates the massive, and game unbalancing 'which side moves ALL its units first in battle' issue.
other comments: perhaps a particular units initiative might be 'increased' based upon physical nearness to senior commander in battle (SOV, heirs according to place in line of succession, tactical commander (new unit/skill not made yet, like administrator/farmer/miner). Also, this system would create a real use for 'rockslide spell, etc. This basic system would not need the develope to create 'facing' for units.
Run away, conceilment, etc would be great to add on, but only when facing for units is (hopefully) added.