My personal all purpose spam...
Sovereign creation
Blood inheritance
Also known as Race. It can affect your base stats and unlock some special traits/weaknesses specific to the selected race.
Social inheritance
Select from a list of factions. These factions are not those of the factions that the player may have created but a different list with pre-cataclysm factions (hypothesis: all Sovereigns were alive before the Cataclysm and Factions may include "minorities" like Tarthans). Their purpose is to allow the player to choose the faction in which the Sovereign was educated and/or had the most influence over him. Maybe the Sovereign is a Krax from race but his social inheritance is that of Pariden.
This social inheritance unlocks different backgrounds to choose from. It may unlock some traits/weaknesses based on it.
Pocket Money
The Sovereign has managed to save some "money" before the game starts. He can use it to buy initial equipment and/or resources (Materials, Ore or Crystals). Money not spent at the end of the Sovereign creation is added to the faction pool once the game starts.
Lalalala. La.
Traits/Weaknesses with different grades would be nice. Traits/Weaknesses like "Inheritance: You start the game with XX extra Gildars." and "Great Inheritance: You start the game with XXX extra Gildars.". And if some Quests were to make use of the traits AND weaknesses of the Sovereign (well, and of the Background too!) that would be sweet.
Allow things like Sterile. If someone wants to skip that game mechanic (while his opponents don't...), why not?
Unlocked based on Blood Inheritance, Social Inheritance and Background, you can choose a Path for your Sovereign. The Path may affect stats and its main purpose is to offer different skills at level up to further the customization/specialization of the Sovereign. Those skills can go from simple bonuses to new tactical/strategic actions.
At certain level, the Sovereign may purchase a new Path instead of a skill, unlocking the skills associated to that new Path. The Sovereign can only have two Paths and may buy any skill from them at level up. Each Path combination may have exclusive unlockable skills. Or not depending on the combo.
Quests may unlock new Paths and skills for already unlocked Paths.
Initial Equipment
Doesn't use character points but the initial money of the Sovereign. Initial equipment may include some advanced equipment (expensive, only atainable by things like Great Inheritance trait, for example).
Sovereign preview
Let me rotate... please.
Faction creation
Blood ties
You select the race for it. It may unlock some special traits/weaknesses appropiate for the race to be applied to the faction.
Social ties
The special traits/weaknesses for the faction.
Crest creator
BoogieBac shown a pic of it early in the game development. Just follow the idea, it was cool and not just for the Dynasty system.
Let them be different. Men can be physically very similar in stats but fallen may not be. Different tech trees that reflect their history/choices. Not need to be completely different but they should have techs that can only be researched by them (and that no other faction can somehow replicate in effects).
Quests also being able to unlock new branches to research. Those quests would be rare and not appear every game but would allow to those who focus on adventures to unlock "rewards" for their efforts. It's not just "Oh, I found the Nitronomicon!" but "Oh, I found the fraking printing factory of the Nitronomicon!" (or "Oh, I found the secret research diaries of Al Jalar, author of the Nitronomicon!").
Altough I find neat the ability of having the AI designing units for me, I personally don't need it 99% of the time. I love to create my own units (except the pioneer, which I always use the default one, and the basic peasant because it's overpowered in relation to custom basic peasant) so I don't need the option always active.
Unit name
Argh, need more random name options. And maybe some more accurate filters. A heavily armored guy on a horse cannot be named Footsoldier. Stirrupsoldier would be acceptable though. If we ever get horse equipment so we can have stirrups, that is.
It would be nice if some pieces of equipment had some different models. So when you unlock a platemail, you may chose between a visually different couple of them. Equipment based on the faction/race/alliegance would be NEAT. Because I would bet that Lord Verga doesn't like his platemail with a decoration similar to what Lord Carrodus likes for his.
Horsie equipment.
Training options
We get to train them in groups (kind of logistics/coordination thing) and to have them with more experience (HP). But we cannot give them other trainings! I need to be able to equip my Trog warriors with "Human Hatred" that gives them an attack bonus against Men (Tarthan, Pariden...) at the cost of, for example, 3 extra turns. Or my Pariden warriors being able to train in "Dodge Spell" that gives them a defense bonus against some single target enemy spells (you cannot dodge a blizzard, but you may dodge that fire dart).
More female armours like Arielle's!!! (for Sovereigns too, eh?)
Non human/fallen troops
It would be nice, with custom tech trees, to have some non human/fallen troops that are not based on "Oh! A new monster!!". I want to train wardogs with my Altarians (I'm, hopefully, modding that for a custom faction anyway) or one of those swamp creatures for the Tarthans. Or to be able to use Wargs for something more than mounts (no, riders is NOT an option).
Artifacts for units
Some kind of artifact that can be equipped by a normal unit during its creation that allows it to cast a spell of a certain type chosen when the artifact was created. As the Sovereign, or other Channeler, must create it, the number of this artifacts is limited in a more severe way that metal or crystals.
The Channeler would create the artifact with a chosen spell (Heal, Fireball... not any spell would be valid to be used) and decide to keep it for Champions or to use it for units. If for units, that artifact would only appear in the unit creation screen (and how many of that type are left).
Like Soveriegn. With a Path too so he can do some interesting selections at level up. Able t get a second Path too!
Some rare champions (no need to be them uber powerful or legendary) would come with "incorporated adventure" that would unlock a quest when they reach certain level. The ideal thing would be to have a pool of "Champion Quests" and add them to some random champions each game. If the quest can be tied to the Path of the champion for more sense, the better.
Ok, you hired Conan. Now you must make sure that: 1) he stays with you and 2) he doesn't betray/kill you. Random events and some quests should force the player to make choices. Difficult choices. And if your "Paladin of the Seven Moons" Sovereign turns into a "Paladin of The-Dark-Things-That-Crawl-Under-Your-Skin" because of those decisions, then don't complain that Susan the Pure decides to leave your side for greener pastures.
Need explicit Lore explanation of why only one spouse and only up to four children, considering long life span of the Sovereigns (and spouse). Must have. "A Channeler did it" doesn't count.
Founding a Lineage
Obviously the Sovereign needs a spouse to found his own lineage. Seeking a good spouse should be more important. Right now, Janusk is good enough (quick husband even with the reputation check) and the farmboys are best (so children inherit that trait). The proposal may even need something more than Reputation depending on the case ("I want a pink pony and a cute bunny in exchange of my daughter She-Conan The Farmer").
Special spouses through the Adventure tree (mixed with some Diplo?) needed. The idea can be applied in very different ways depending on creature Lore and gameplay consequences, but if Relias want to marry that Drath princess that he rescued from "The Temple of Boom", why not? Or maybe save the life of the shewolf and marry her, adopting the cubs?
Not impossible to marry again. Harem could be possible, I suppose, just increase slightly the number of kids and increase highly the troubles in any city where they are ("Raise the Red Lantern" ftw!!).
Royal/Imperial Pawns
Not always four kids, really. Force the player to adapt himself to whatever Lady Luck decides that game. Make a minimum of 2 and a mazimum of.. 6? Right now is: marry, put spouse in safe place, wait for 4th kid, send the spouse to war with the rest of Champions (in my case, Channelers). Unless farmboy, then he stays at farmland.
Adoption: even if there is no Sterile weakness, the Sovereign should be able to adopt someone as one of his heirs. This usually would happen with a Champion that is currently loyal to you. Using diplo, you may declare as heir one of the Champions controlled by another faction for influence/diplo bonuses. This would be limited (one or twice at the same time). And if he declares someone as heir while already having children, don't complain if Brutus trips and falls, stabbing him by accident.
When the child is born, allow to influence the future stats of it when he matures. Like some random values (unkown to the player) plus us wishing for "The Next Grand Alf" or "The Next Choke Norris" to influence those initial stats (but without knowing if our influence actually was successful or not... at least not until maturity when we can check the stats).
During the turns (years) that the baby/children takes to mature, force us to say where the baby is. A menu where to place our babies in any of our cities. It would be possible to change the location (would take some turns though). If the city where the baby stays is taken by the enemy, bye bye baby. (or maybe kidnapped if we get so advanced options) Why do we want babies located in cities? Assasination targets for example (Yay!). Plus while they are maturing, they are influenced by the education we choose for him AND the type of city. Certain buildings could inlfuence the baby about stats, maybe skills and/or Path. If the Sovereign stays most of those turns with the baby, it becomes more loyal when maturing. (that loyalty may be fear based or something, but loyalty nonetheless)
The pawns eventually marry and have more pawns. These wouldn't be available for your influence (would be managed by the AI). We may allow to be possible in the city location part though, at least for the Scions of the prime heir. Also, married pawns get to create their own Crest.
You can give these lineages their own cities to control (vassal cities) or to "add" them to a city as a Noble House (cannot use them as Champions except to defend the city but provide a miriad of effects based on... stuff). More than one Noble House can be in a city. And they may cause trouble if their interests are too different. There could be also stuff like being able to recruit one member of a Noble House (being able to actually take it out of the city), autorecruit it if the previous heir dies and they are the next in line...
Royal/Imperial Ties
Expectations. The spouse has them, the children have them. Hell, maybe even the populace has some too!
Your Sovereign starts with some kind of "alignment" (Kindoms are "good" and Empires "evil", but the Sovereign may be of a different one). If the Sovereign deviates of his "alignment" because of choices ("Burn Ceresa's babies! Burn!!!" - Lord Carrodus on a bad day.), there may be consequences. At first none (the first burnt babies may not count for being Fallen) but the greater the deviation, the greater the consequences.
Loyalty from the spouse and (grand...)kids may flicker and finally banish if it doesn't match their expectations on your behaviour (if the are "good", they expect you to be "good", if one was born "evil", he would expect "evilness" from you). Spouses of the kid may influence the kids loyalty (an evil husband may influence his wife, the Sovereign's daughter, to accept her daddy being a Bad Boy).
The city where the Sovereign is may lose Prestige if the Sovereign deviates a lot. All the cities if he deviates really a lot. Hell, he may even get revolts!
And specialized Fire Channeler should be better with Fire Magic that someone who didn't specialize. And not just in number of spells (the Fire Channeler would have all for X magic research points while the other Channeler would have less because he bought non Fire spells). Give specialist exclusive spells! Give them bonuses unknown to the rest! And add multielement spells too! The most powerful ones should be those of the Four Elements (and in need of special book/research).
Shaping the land is cool (raise land, lower it, raise volcano...) but we need to really being able to shape the battlefield, summons beasts for the duration of the battle, dope units over 9000!!!
Destiny's Forge
We must be able to create our own magic items/artifacts. Be them for the mundane troops ("Here you have the new model of the mass produced Long Sword of Epicness +5!!") or for our deadly Champions ("Here you have the Decapitator 2000!!"). Be it a barrel of endless beer to greaty increase troop morale (and maybe bankrupt the local Inns) or an Angel Feather Tunic for your favourite Channeler.
Must have. Really.
The closer to an RPG the better for me... but this is a TBS so... tactical battle in a dungeon with possible loot and secrets to unlock while cleaning the map?
Need to stop there. May add more and/or revist some of those ideas at a later post if have the time. Anything I said that has been already said... well, who cares if I repeat it?