Or they could have delayed the game till February and by all reports it still would have major issues at release. Additionally you wouldn't be able to play it right now and point out any such issues so it's a stable decent game when February does rock around.
No the book has issues with grammar and punctuation. I read one hate filled review that comment how there's an average for 3 em dashes "—" per page. When I got the book I discovered that part is actually true. They are used in a similar way to how people online who are addicted to ellipses over use them and unnecessarily use them in inappropriate places... This can be jarring but you can ignore it.
Harder to ignore are the run on sentences and paragraphs consisting of clumps of tiny sentences that repeat themselves over and over while describing something. If you ever had trouble reading 'the hobbit' because of the way Tolkien over explained everything and listed 20 types of cutlery and crockery in Bilbo's cupboard followed by 30 types of pastry and individually mentioned the colour and positions of every Dwarf's hooded cloak hanging on the coat pegs despite the fact those details had been described before for all but one of them... You will hate this book. If you are a child or you liked that kind of thing about 'the hobbit' then you will probably enjoy it.
Regardless. It's <$20 and contains a serial code for what Brad describes as an eventual expansion packs worth of DLC (Though reading the list above I'd imagine it's a small one compared to Stardock standards).