Elemental used to be fun. And no, I'm not talking about the game. I still find the game fun and enjoyable and look forward to it's future.
Unfortunately, I'm talking about the forums and this community. Recently they've just de-evolved into a community of hostility, second guessing, and whining. This community used to be fun, collaborative, enjoyable, and friendly.
We also used to trust Stardock, the staff, and Brad. Frankly, I still do. Stardock was one of the ONLY companies who'd give you almost daily updates on what they're doing and the direction of their development. Today Brad tells us he's going to look at tweaking things and adding more systems for engine, he also shares with us that his favorite TV show is Avatar.
First thing we do is get defensive, jump all over him, and TELL him what to do. Now we've probably lost the ability to read up on the Dev Logs, Journals, and to hear about what the developers are doing with Elemental. Great!
That's not fun guys and it's going to ruin Elemental for everyone. Nobody wants to work on a game that isn't supported or encouraged by the community and where they can't find enjoyment in making it. I know Stardock is a business but it's also a personal project for Brad and, believe it or not, Brad is a human being.
If we ruin this for Brad then Elemental is just that, ruined. It doesn't do us any good if you post that you hate him or don't trust him. And, honestly, posting your ridiculously complex re-designs where they'd have to rebuild the game from the ground up are also unhelpful, try modding and you'll see why. If you REALLY don't like Elemental right now then just take a break. Go away for a while...
You angry kids need to back off. It's getting old and isn't for for those of us who want to support the game and enjoy the community we once had.
Some of you really don't understand what it's like in real life. You don't understand what it's like to work in the real world. You jump and attack any sort of authority because, "Hey, this is the internet and I have free speech!". Unfortunately, this is just showing your poor character and lack of experience. If you REALLY want Stardock to feel your hurt then return the product and don't buy another one, that'll hurt them in the pocketbook which hurts more then posting an angry rant about design on these forums.
I'm asking for some restraint, some compassion, and some better judgment. Each and every action you take has ramifications and consequences. Think before you act. Consider what you are saying and how you are saying it. Lastly, a little respect goes a long way.