First some background.
Like everyone on this forum, I played the hell out of, and love, Master of Magic.
I've been waiting forever for a proper sequel that would do it justice, but sadly none has come out to date.
When I heard about Elemental, I was very hopeful, and indeed the game looked promising.
After following its development for months, I caved in to my urge and bought the digital download on the first day.
For the next few days I had played straight from when I got home from work until 3 in the morning, neglecting the fact that I still have to go to work when the sun comes up.
My thoughts so far?
The game shows lots of potential, especially with the mod community, but as it stands right now, I am disappointed.
It's bug ridden and unbalanced.
Without a question, its release was premature.
Honestly, if there wasn't such an uproar about this fact, it could very well be dismissed as a few disappointed opinions.
I've decided to stop playing and wait for the game to reach a state where I can enjoy it more.
With that said, here are a few elements from Master of Magic (missing from Elemental) that would make Elemental far more enjoyable for me and, I hope, the majority of you.
Regardless of whether they're done through mods or patches, as long as they're in, I would play the sh*t out of this game!
Unique and interesting abilities, remember how fun these were?
Items were a lot more exciting.
Remember when you got that 1 item that was chock full of stats and it totally blew your mind?
Ranged magic attack and magic resistance are well understood, units really should be allowed ranged non physical default attacks.
Fame affected how frequently some random events took place - merchants, mercenaries, heroes.
Remember the random merchant bringing you awesome gear?
What happened to races, racial properties, and race specific units?
Well, thats about all I have for now.
I for one really miss these essential elements in what was supposed to be the spiritual successor to MOM.
I hope they'll be added to Elemental someday.
Let me know what you guys think.