Hi, I am a fan of all the above mentioned books . . . in a very particular order
1) George R R Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire . . . I have the habit of reading his books in one setting cuz they are impossible to put down ( as to what GRRM is up to I find this is the best website http://grrm.livejournal.com , he seems to be a very, very busy man and now they are turning the song of ice and fire into a hbo mini series)
2) Robin Hobbs, another writer who i read in single sittings for the same reason as above
3) Stephen Erikson, Malazan Book of the Fallen . . . I believe they are the most complex fantasy world ever created with stories happening on a world wide scale
4) Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time series . . . the first 4 or 5 books were utterly fantastic, and then he got bogged down with an overly meandering storyline, never did finish the series, will do one day after I reread the initial books
5) Terry Goodkind, Sword of Truth series . . . like Jordan the first few books are utterly amazing but the storytelling seems to falter in the later books, I believe there are now 11 books in that series
6) Raymond Feist, the Riftwar cycle . . . loved these alot when I was younger and still intrigued by the main story arc
7) David Eddings, Begariad et al . . . also loved these when I was younger, but i think that at this point in my life I prefer the more complex fantasy stories
8) Robert Scott Baker, Prince of Nothing series . . . another Canadian like Erikson, very complex trilogy, great story though, he just started a second trilogy that follows this one
9)Terry Brooks, Shannara books . . . this guy has been writing forever, and I have been reading his books for thirty years now
10) Kate Elliot, Crown of Stars . . . seven books in this series, very epic story line
11) David Farland, the Runelords series . . . eight books in the series
Hmmmm, I can name more but these are the most memorable books . . . the best thing about high or epic fantasy is that when you read that one really, really good book, you are not done yet, cuz there are many more books in the series to which you can look forward to. However, the problem with some of them is that the plot tends to got convoluted, or you simply get bored with the characters . . . this was the case for me with robert jordan and terry goodkind . . . but was definitely not the case with grrm and stephen erikson.