Let them be, Stardock's antipiracy method is the best I have seen. Sure, they can pirate it (I have downloaded games like that before, I will admit that) but Stardock games leave you without updates which add so much.
I applaud Stardock just for thinking of a way to make people WANT to buy instead of pirating, hence my adoration to them now. I have three games of their games, all official, and it was so well worth it.
Exactly. They get my money because they dont treat me like a fuckin criminal, lockin me out of my own fair and square bought game.
Not to mention that DRM companies and the entire concept is a huge scam in the first place. Think about it..
Without piracy, DRM demand is null.
With DRM, there is still piracy (honestly there's not even an hour delay between game release -> game leak these days, DRM has no effect).
Yet game publishers keep shelling out hundreds of thousands (or whatever a DRM licence costs), even though it has no effect, the games are still pirated, and any average joe can DL an extra copy for his mate to use at a LAN party, without even encountering the DRM in the first place.
Case closed, its just a huge fear-factor scam. If they released a proper hardcoded/hardwired DRM, piracy would end, hence the need for DRM would end, hence their corporations would go bankrupt.
A nice analogy would be cigarettes and nicotine patches. If there was no cigarettes and no nicotine addiction, the nicotine patch corps would all go bankrupt. Hence they need the cigarettes and smokers who's addiction they strive to reduce.
Its a symbiotic relationship masquerading as enemies.
And if you want to see it from the game developers "but they need food on the table!!" perspective, consider that the game industry keeps growing by leaps and bounds, and has on many occasions surpassed the movie industry in revenue. All while piracy is as rampant as ever. Obviously making money isnt a problem. If galciv2 could without drm, so can others if they just get their asses in order and produce quality products.
Thats where money comes from, not DRM protection. (which has no effect other than sapping the devs or publishers of their already tight budgets)