OP, I feel for you. I used to work this crazy job with crazy hours that sometimes didn't let me do "basic" stuff such as visiting the bank for days at a time. I got away from that, but now I don't have a debit card that I can use to order the collector's edition. Bah. Wish I could share my beta with you. I can't even get mine to work properly.

If you hate your job because it interferes with your computer gaming needs, you need to rethink your life goals over quite a bit. Also, most banks allow you to transfer funds online, might want to look into that also.
First, millions of people likely hate their jobs because it interferes with something they'd rather be doing, whether it be practicing the violin, playing football, spending time with the loved ones, or any other activity that can be considered a hobby. Should all of them rethink their life goals?
Because work breeds happiness, right? (It should and does, by the way, but that's not the point)
Also, most people on this god's green earth doesn't live in the US. Most people don't have access to stable, let alone secure, internet access. Even more of them are not eligible due to a variety of factors - age being one.
So suck it.