Elemental Character Mods [Version 0.3]
Created by Folcik009
Beta 4 has opened MANY new possibilities. Today I've created many modified skintones to use for ingame characters, included darker roads, and implemented Kalamona's Deadeye mod. Additionally, I have also fixed the Amarian female's eyes which were not displaying. Lastly, I have included my first heroes package containing ten new heroes.
Download Link: http://depositfiles.com/en/files/4t7xj1sfz
** Important: Make sure to delete old .XML files **
Mods Included:
- Character skins mods
- Male_Groomed- An shaved groomed face.
- Male_Hairy- Three "Hairy" textures.
- Male_Handsome- An alternative.
- Male_Older- A less old version of "aged".
- Male_Smoother- My not very successful attempt at making an asian skin.
- Female_Aristocrat- An alternative aristocrat
- Female_ThickBrows- An alternative thickbrows.
- Female_ThinBrows- An alternative thinbrows and one with leggings.
- Darker and Browner Roads- Darkened the road texture more to my liking. Looks great!
- Kalamona's Deadeye Mod- Adds three "dead" eyes to fallen women.
- AmarianFemale Eye Fix- Fixes the Amarian female eyes.
- Heroes Pack- Adds 10 new NPC heroes for spawning.
How to Install:
- Place the skins (.png) into: C:\???\Elemental\Gfx\HKB\Units
- Place the road (.png) into: C:\???\Elemental\Gfx\Roads
- Place the eyes (.png) into: C:\???\Elemental\Gfx\Eyes
- Place the "EyesMods", "FixHeads", "Heroes", and "NewSkins" .XML files into: C:\Users\???\Documents\My Games\Elemental\Units
- Place the example faction file into: C:\Users\James\Documents\My Games\Elemental\Race
Using the Mods:
- The roads should work automatically as soon as you established a trade route. I didn't modify the cobble roads that eventually develop.
- The skins are now implemented properly.
Changing a skin:
If you want to change an already created custom unit's or sovereign's skin then you must modify their individual .XML file (C:\Users\???\Documents\My Games\Elemental\Units). Open the file and scroll down until you see <Texture_Skin>???</Texture_Skin> and change the "???" to whatever texture you want to use (ex. K_Male_Older_Texture_01.png). Launch the game, select your sovereign, and see the difference!
- The FixHeads.XML doesn't appear to be working, can't figure out why not. I'm trying to allow Amarian females to have more then one choice.
- Portrait will still display old texture until I discover how to refersh portraits.
- Cannot change skins of games already running. Must be a new game.
- There might be some corruption with child characters. I don't know.
- Please let me know if there are any problems!
Want to help?
If you'd like to help contact me on the Elemental forums (Folcik009) or on either of these threads:
We could always use more skins, eyes, hairs, clothing, armor, weapons, items, abilities... ect.
.1- First Release- Three basic skins.
.2- Second Release- Added heroes, eye fix, Deadeye, and more skins.
Special Thanks:
Kalamona- Deadeye Eyes Mods
Dioxus- Documentation of abilities.
Stardock- For releasing Beta 4 with all the assets and resources for modders and the amazing game: Elemental.
GOOD LUCK! I hope to see Elemental strive into all it's modding glory!
Created using Paint and GIMP. I do my text modifications with Notepad++.
Old 0.2 Link: http://depositfiles.com/files/si4eydpvt
OLD 0.1 Link: http://depositfiles.com/files/35u0s48c9
Future Plans:
In the future, when it is possible, I plan on expanding character customization where you'll have access to more skins, heads, hairs, clothes, and equipment.
- Character Mods:
- More skins
- More heroes
- A "MMORPG" type community hero pack consisting of forum user's personal heroes.
- All Heads for all races (low chances for non-racial)
- All hairs for all races (low chances for non-racial or wrong gender)
- Clothing for all (unlocked clothing)
- Access to more equipment at Sov. creation
- Ability to possibly purchase new clothing and hairstyles
- Armory Mods:
- New armors
- Specifically, some cheap light armor that is more fashionable then leather
- "Ability packs" to represent advanced unit training (similar to Ranger or Medical Pack)
If anyone wants to help and contribute to expanding upon the character modification, Just PM me or post here. I'd LOVE to put together a Hero pack of community heroes.