For some of those old school role players out there, like my-self, I thought I'd start a little something fun. Here's the rules.
You are the Sovereign of a mighty Kingdom or Empire, either good or evil. Make a In Character post, pretending to be that Sovereign saying what-ever it is they would say to their enemies.
For a Evil Sovereign whatever megalomaniacal thing you can come up with will be enjoyable.
For a Good Sovereign, you can talk about vanquishing evil, but you have to throw some "Goodness" in there somewhere to distinguish it from the ranting of the evil sovereigns. If you're a good sovereign replying to another good sovereign this may prove to be more interesting then your standard evil reply to goodness or the good reply to evil. I guess we'll see. Have fun with it!!!
Every post must reply to the poster above it except for the first post, which I'll start now.
Remember you must reply to the person above you In Character. Please keep the posts semi-short. Don't write a whole book please, you can start a new thread for that
. <----- Yes, Wintersong, I'm thinking of You when I say "don't write a whole book".
A few paragraphs is ok. Let's say under 300 words.
You fools. I will destroy you All!!!! You have no idea of the power you face, no comprehension of the gruesome deaths that now await you!!! I am the devourer of souls, the void in the depths of the darkness. There is no light, no goodness, in all of this pathetic universe that can stand up to the might of Raven Xavier!!!! Kneel before your Lord and Master you worms, or be destroyed and cast into the pit!!! Your lands will run red with the blood of your people and those who wish to live will serve me...or die by my hands and those of my forces of death and darkness. Kneel to me!!!!