Beta 3B introduces the skeleton of tactical battles.
Here's the basic concept on how they're supposed to work:
Your Combat Speed is translated into action points. We do NOT use your Moves per turn stat (that's supposed to represent endurance and it's not subject to change).
The current system is, however, far too basic of course. In this thread, we will discuss which aspects of MOM, HOMM, AOW, as well as new concepts you guys would like to see.
Below is the system we intend to implement and we look forward to your thoughts on this:
When a unit attacks another unit, that units gets to retaliate (if it can) against the unit that attacked it.
Action Points = 1 + Your Combat Speed.
Moving a tile uses 2 action points.
Attacking and casting a spell uses 1 action point.
The placement of units on a map will be based on the the composition on the units going into the battle.
Units will have various special abilities (that's why the action tab looks so blank right now).
These 6 things are what we consider the "basic" for day 0.
Obviously, right now, none of these 6 things are in. I am hoping to get a Beta 3C up on Monday that has them though.
On top of these 6 items there is what we consider "required" for v 1.1 (60 days or so after release):
More distinction in the action point cost
More finesse with regards to the counter attack (in v1.0, we don't plan the counter attack to absorb any action points from the next turn but this is something we want to explore so that ganging up on tough units is more viable).
A lot LOT LOT LOT more buffs/debuffs
In the long-term, we plan to keep evolving tactical battles based on feedback. It's not something we're going to push out there on day 0 and call it a day. But I also think it would be naive to think that by day 0 or day 120 that tactical battles will be the end all be all because there is just so much one can do with this area and it's not something that should ever be considered "finished".
Ok I have a TON to say on this one....
For #1 - What about a "Counterattack" (passive) skill for units? Units that have this ability can counter-attack. Units that don't have the ability cannot. This would be a simple way to make units more unique as well.
For #5 - What about if there was technology (perhaps in the combat trees) that allowed you to select different formations for armies. You could set this on the pre-map and when battle begins your units will attempt to enter in formation (or as close as possible based on terrain).
As for other special abilities here are a few suggestions:
Passive Skills:
Counter-Attack: Gives the unit a chance to counter-attack when stuck in battle.
Reach - Allows the unit to attack units an extra (non diagional) square away.
Dodge- Small chance of avoiding an attack that does not miss.
Active (requires a button on the bar) skills:
Protect: When target unit is attacked, attempt to take some or all of the damage in its place.
Throw Sand: Throws sand at the target unit causing some effect. Not available on all terrain.
Steal: Attempt to steal an item from the unit
Guard: Defend against attacks.
Lunge: Get a small bonus to damage, but unit automatically counter-attacks if able to do so.
Venom: Attempt to poision a unit.
Fire-Breath: Breathe fire on target unit.
Ice Breath: See above but with Ice
Etc. Breath: Lots of options here
Some of these abilities could also be made available to sovereigns giving more trait options during character creation!
One additional suggestion is to make direction matter in combat. A unit attacking from behind should deal more damage from one in front. Perhaps some weapons get a bonus in this regard (daggers etc.) This would also allow for skills like Backstab which could be used to make rogue like units/heroes.