i like the specialized units, but i think the approach in the game could use a different implementation. i propose a new take, that in my mind would mainly be a programming change, and would require few if any new art assets(there are already some in the game that would do nicely).
Currently: the way it is in the game now, you place an improvement in the city and this allows you to build units that are specialized to a certian task.
The Problem: the problem with this is that this takes control out of the players hands. these are premade units that are out of the players control to alter. the downside to this is that if you are trying to go with a theme for your military, this gives you no way to change it. also these units usually will start out powerful in early game, and be weak by late game.
The Solution: what i propose is that you take the buildings that are already created for the specialized units(example, dungeons masters guild for DM's) and instead of allowing you to build these stagnant units it instead gives you a special item similar to the messenger kit. this kit bestows upon a unit the abilities of the said special unit. for instance, if you built a dungeon masters guild, then you would get a dungeon masters kit. this would be given to a character of your own design and you could call it what you want. another example would be a spell book given to wizard units which would give an appropriate ability. these would be faction wide, and you could build them anywhere not just the town you have the building in
The Benefit: the benefit here would be that you could create your own VERY specialized units that could be both a dungeon master AND a wizard if you wanted to. also if you captured a town that had this building you could mix in your own factions special abilities and make truly unique units. these would be very expensive, but could be units that would allow you to create exactly what you want, the way you want.
so, what do you think?