Bilskis & Annatar11: it's a bit funny you guys call it a franchise exploit when FO3 tossed the gameplay of the originals in its entirety, while FO:NW will be mostly true to the gameplay of FO3. Still, I do get your objection.
Well, for me it's not that FO3 turned the previous games upside down, like I said I enjoyed FO3. For me it's that New Vegas looks like a typical Call of Duty-like "sequel" - same gameplay, different skins. There's very little that makes New Vegas stand apart from FO3 and that's why I'm not really excited about it.
Same comparison can't be done with Baldur's gate or Icewind dale, since both BG > BG2, and IWD > IWD2 sequels brought engine improvements (higher resolutions, etc).
I'm sure I'll pick up New Vegas when there's one of those half off sales on it or something, and I'm not saying it's going to be a bad game, but it just doesn't make me excited about it. I took a week off work last year when FO3 came out and played it non-stop and loved it. With NV, I don't even feel like picking it up on release day