It's linked in that very same thread that you asked to be updated. Half the replies on the thread are notices indicating that a new round of reports was added.
Rule #1 of forums: nobody reads the stickies 
I see several posts about the same thing and other posts that report a bug from an older version that may get ignored because the thread title lists the old version number.
If you bump a thread from the same beta series (such as .802, .803 when we're on .804) with a "I still get this bug in build N" message, or make a new thread to report the same thing which already has several instances already on the roundup from one or two builds prior, don't expect it to be rounded up unless it includes important new information that was previously absent, such as a repro case.
If you are reporting a new issue, do it in a new thread and if it's similar to another, you need to provide ample detail (screenshots, etc) indicating that it's distinct from previous reports, and how. Else it may be overlooked as a "me too" or "me still" post.
Any issues already on the roundup that are not listed as fixed in the changelogs can be assumed to still be on the devs' to-do list.