I was thinking that with all the bug reports and this and that, why don't we all share some interesting times we've had with the game instead of just complaining? Not neccessarily with beta 2, but the older ones too. I'll start with a really epic one:
Today I played a game that lasted ~3500 turns.
I had a single city on the westernmost part of the continent and was researching civilization techs, not building any soldiers or anything. All of a sudden, Lord Relias proclaimed that he intended to kill me, and took over the city in about 20 turns.
The thing was, though, that my sovereign was currently with a transport ship in the far northeastern part of the map, on the tiny ashen island with a small beach which I had "unloaded" him onto (the map is hardcoded so you should be able to find it too, if I'm not wholly mistaken?). On this island I found two champions, one insignificant guy, but also a man called 'Solon the Gladiator'. I didn't have enough money to recruit either of them, though, so I set sail with my sovereign again.
I found a beach on the southeastern part of the continent, where I also found some twilight bees and iron ore right next to each other. I was going to found a city there, but I barely had any money so I had to go adventuring, narrowly avoiding Relias' troops. Then, when I finally had aquired some money, I went back and founded the city in the location I had intended.
Relias' seemed oblivious of the new settlement, so I bunkered up bigtime. When I had a couple of thousand gildar, I went back to the ashen little island and recruited the two champions I had found earlier, since Relias had recruited everyone else. I brought them to my city and researched alot of warfare techs, and equipped Solon the Gladiator with heavy plate armor, and gave him the sword "Lifesap" which my sovereign had found early on in the game (it has +10 attack). When he was fully equipped I sent him out to quest and gain experience.
After a while he was level 9 with a combat rating of ~450, and could move ~30 tiles per turn. This character singlehandedly took down all of Relias' cities, one after one, including the city in the far west which Relias had taken from me in the beginning. When I took over one particular city, two of Relias' champions came over to my side. They were both women, and since Relias' had taken every champion on the map except for the two I had found on the ashen island, my sovereign was still not married. I married one of the new champions, had four kids that grew up, and Lord Relias had only one little level one town left to call home.
The End.

And this is how much stuff I had at the end. 602 surplus food. I actually tried deleting all my cities and just building one city with a garden and a hut in it, and guess what? It actually upgraded all the way to lvl 5 without any additional imrovements. The "refined *insert tech type*" technologies are REALLY overpowered. 1000 people living in one building and eating 10 pumpkins.
Quite a story, eh? You could almost write a book with that story. But the most amazing part was probably that the game didn't crash a single time in a game that lasted for ~3500 turns (though I admit that at least 2000 of those were just spammed turns to increase my wealth while I was successively taking over all of Relias' cities, so it didn't take as long as it looks).