Quoting Raven X,
reply 6
Quoting kyogre12,
reply 5
We can open HKB's? I didn't know that. IIRC, Scoutdog tried to open those a while ago, but was unable to, and later one of the devs said they need to give us a tool that lets us convert our models to HKB and vice versa.
Do a Google search on "HKB File Extension" . There are other programs out there that can deal with them or maybe even convert them.
Are you sure? I did a Bing and a Google search, failed to find anything, except that Hot Keyboard Pro also uses an extension .hkb . And, funnily enough, the second result from Bing was the thread from these very forums that I was thinking of; https://forums.stardock.com/377701. Maybe you're right, but I've been unable to find anything to open them.
Here's a link I found on the Colony of Gamers forums: http://www.colonyofgamers.com/cogforums/showthread.php?p=581170
Also, refine your search. Try Googling "HKB file extension graphics animation" . Also, take a HKB file, Any file, and save it to another location. Now rename it to something you know you can open with another program, like Maya3D or 3DsMax. Then try to open it. Some things can be changed just by renaming the file extension. Like a .ISO and a .BIN . I've changed the file extensions on those and made them able to open with different programs. Some-times it corrupts the file, some times it doesn't.
I don't know the details because I haven't taken the time to play around with it yet, but I'm sure there's other programs out there that will open them or something they can be renamed too that will open them. I have a lot of programs to install before I can even try. Right now I need to re-install 3DsMax, Maya3D, and Dreamweaver, and those are just a FEW of the programs I'll be needing to do my work on the Mod. That's not counting various plug-ins, Hex Editors, Scripting programs like Ultra Edit, etc etc. Use what you know about the current HKB's and cross check them against Animations and Textures and things like that. You'll find Something Some-Where that will open them or you'll figure out what you need to re-name them too to get them open.
Note: If I have time I'll do some of those re-installs tonight and see if I can break open one of the files. Hell, maybe we'll get lucky and a Dev would be kind enough to tell us what we Can Use to open them on our own without waiting for the "right" tools. It can't be impossible. Another factor is that a lot of people simply can't afford the software needed to do a lot of these things. Companies can. How many people do you know with a LEGAL copy of both Maya and 3DsMax? Neither of those is what I would call "cheap". The only reason I have mine is because I got them through various jobs I've had, I just kept up with paying for the licenses my-self. A few of the programs I use are also "technically" corporate editions, but, they suite my needs.