From: Mooi Niet, Solicitor
To: Brad Wardell, AI writer and general style Honcho, Stardock
Date: the 7th of June 2010
Concerning: Libelous allegations versus Elemental: War of Magic AI (Hereafter Client)
mr. Wardell,
In addition to the lawsuit already in place against you for "discrimination in the workplace" and "Unfair Bussiness Practices"
Client has requested that I amend the lawsuit with Libel and/or Slander charges for trying to damage its good name through publications made available to the public at large.
The full papers to be submitted to court are currently being drawn up. To guard timely serving of this amendment of the lawsuit with the charges forementioned this letter contains a short summary of the full complaint.
Client states that whilst you are an AI programmer you have no authority or training in assessing actual intelligence levels. Therefore your allegations about the diminuitive mental capacities of Client are illfounded and/or without base.
I will, on behalf of client, make a case that through your publications of unfounded sentiment you are bringing actual and persistent damage to Clients good name and reputation which will make it more difficult for Client to choose to work for a different employer in the future, should Client prefer to do so, as well as reducing his general joy of life.
Damages sought will consist of reparations of the, though your libelous/slanderous allegations, lessened earning capacity as well as punitive damages for the mental and/or emotional harm done to Client.
Currently we have been approached by other AI's that have or have had working relationships with you in the past and they are considering joining the lawsuit against you in the form of a class action. We are currently taking this under advisement.
With this preliminary outline of the amendments to be made to the already running lawsuit against you, you are sufficiently informed about the contents of those charges for the original date set for the lawsuit to remain in place, without need for delay.
We also have petitioned for a preliminary ruling from the court that you cease and desist from any further allegations as to the mental capacities of Client on punishment of fien of $ 5000,- per allegation per day. A request for rectification of allegations already made has also been submitted.
Should at any time you wish to discuss settlement of the claim Client requests you seek contact through my office.
If not, we are looking forward to seeing you in court.
With respectful regards,
Mooi Niet
on behalf of
Elemental, War of Magic AI