Alright well then on to the question of when does Paramount lose the sole control of the property?
Because I can get behind the creator having the ip rights till he dies. I can get behind the creator having the rights to sell it off and both he and who he sells it to can profit off it for a reasonable amount of time.
What I cannot get behind is due to the fact that a corporation is not a living entity and therefore not on a restricted lifetime (with the exception of mismanagement) that the property becomes theirs ad infinitum for the rest of existence, or even a time frame that extends beyond the lifetime of a human being.
And just because we don't live in an ideal world doesn't make what we do live in any more right or acceptable just because thats the way it is. Slavery was acceptable but it wasn't right. Woman walking 3 feet behind men is considered acceptable and right in some places, but that doesn't make it right it just means those who have the power are now drunk off it.
An 18 year old boy rapes my daughter. I am going to hunt down that 18 year old boy and put a bullet in him.
But I will not condone the castration of every 18 year old boy on the planet to make sure none can rape my daughter ever again.
And while we are on the subject, when did it ever become acceptable to take it out on others for bad things that happened to you by someone else. If you are seriously going to act like the high ground is screwing me over because of what someone else did it to you is acceptable, but then sit in judgement when I start to think that screwing you over is fair.
And then lets extrapolate a bit further on "if you don't like the methods don't support it."
Fine I don't like the fact that I went to look at possible trading in my car and getting a new used one. The intrest on the 10k I would have had to finance over four years would have come to 8k so I would have paid 18k on 10k borrowed after four years.
I don't like the fact that a contract now means that I have to follow the letter of it but the corporations write it so they can change it how and when they choose, but I can't.
I don't like the fact that every computer program I buy is leased not owned.
I don't like the fact that I am well aware that my computer Mobo or CPU has a unique signiture that they can use to pry into my private life and find out everything I do on my computer in the privacy of my own home.
So what happens when I choose not to support these thing.....
Well for starters I starve, why, because I have no car, computer, phone, internet, house, or any of the things one needs to function in society. I cannot find a job with no phone or hell even without a computer now a days. I have no place to live because I cannot buy a house or rent an apartment because the "Contracts" I have no choice in. I ceased to be a functioning, useful member of society and starved to death on the streets because I didn't support the methods.
We the consumer are so thouroghly screwed over repeatedly every day that it floors me when you the producers think we should give a damn about the bad things that happen to you. And even if none of us ever screwed you over, you would still shaft us.
Because some profit is never enough profit till it is all the profit. Because you corps don't ever know when enough is enough. Because IP isn't about innovation anymore it is about locking down a concept so that you can profit over it ad infinitum. And hell look at the fine print of the activision contest. It's written so you can screw over the creators. You don't respect IP anymore than the pirates you just screw them in a legal way so it makes it all better and right huh? It's all about how much you can get. And you have the gall to act like you are justified and wronged when people take the stance that if they can get it for free it is better?
You know the more I read these threads and the more I listen to people like Jafo. the more I realize that the day always on DRM that requires internet happens on all games, I will also become a pirate. Stealing is stealing yes and no matter what it is wrong. But if the rules of the game are already set up to screw your opponent over and cheat. Then fine I roll with the rules of the games. And I mean the real unwritten rules that we really play by, not the fake rules we write down and say we are going to use because we are all decent human beings and we lie to ourselves and others to make ourselves feel better.
Wow this post took on a life of it's own.
In conclusion I do not support piracy. I pay for my stuff because I like people making good stuff and the best way for that to happen is to support those that do. But at the rate corporations are going, I in no way feel sorry for them or their bottom lines. They demand privledges that we normal people are not allowed to have or even expect. And in the long run their behavior is going to turn people like me who try to do the right thing into people who willing choose to do the wrong thing. Not because we want to profit, but because we want to tear the whole corrupt system down.