A Dev responce to this would be Awesome.
A dev responce is always awesome. but, they are too busy making the game.
I've come to the conclusion that city size should not cap as low as it currently does. I mean, I was saying before 5 spaces would be good between cities, because you could build out 3 spaces no problem. Now in 1B, I can hardly build out 2 spaces because I never have enough house room to increase my city size cap.
Just a comment I wanted to throw out there, as it pertained to the topic.
Think about your favorite fantasy worlds - how many of them contained lots of nations each with more than a small handful of major cities?
That is cheating. Because most fantasy worlds that come to mind don't really have the time to deal with minor cities. Middle earth has in theory a bunch of small towns dotting the landscape, but we don't really hear about them because they are... well, not major towns. Places like Lake Town or even Bree wouldn't me mentioned if something had not happened there.
Warhammer, warcraft, forgotten realms in the hands of the right story teller, and Even Eregon (I feel dirty bringing it up) has a bunch of space that COULD be other towns. We just don't know because they are not so major that we hear about them.
Yes, there is a point to bring up that generally "fantasy worlds" focus on the mysterious and fantastic parts of their world. More often than not, this is focused on 1 or 2 major cities and the 'wilderness' that surrounds them. I think the World of Darkness, i.e. white wolf's world, even goes out of their way to specifically say there should more concentrated urban cities with wild unknown between them. Very little in terms of suburbs or other instances where rural community isn't detached from urban society.
But it all boils down to how we imagine it. I often imagine my fantasy settings to be like feudal Europe, just that it has dragons and stuff where the major trading routes aren't. Since this game HAS trade routes as a major feature, It makes sense that there would be spotted cities along such trade route, which may very well be exactly what we get since hospitable land should grow to connect channeler created cities along trade routes. So while we may WANT this game to be solitary major cities, I think Elemental is looking to be more based on effectively managing trade and urban expansion.