You would be upset if the game were changed so that a certain group of people might enjoy the game a little bit more in a way that has no effect on you? You don't have the best interests of the game aat heart if that's your opinion.
I don't just want this game to be good. I want it to be awesome! Moreso, I want it to be awesome for everyone. If there is something in the game that is less than awesome for a group of people and changing it does not negatively affect any others, than I feel it should be done if it's not a major change.
I don't expect anyone to really get upset about the name, but Eastern Orthodox is the second largest Christian denomination after Roman Catholicism. I've got no idea how well known Athos is amongst them. I doubt it's extremely well known, but I could certainly be wrong. Still, it's remotely possible that having it on the good side might generate a small amount of positive word-of-mouth there.
I can't think of a comparison that works very well as an evil empire, but suppose they chose one of the more reviled groups in history (Nazis are the extreme example of course) and made them one of the good empires. You're not likely to protest (well, if it was really Nazis people might), but you might think "well that's stupid". If that thought can be easily erased than why not do it?
If it's a big deal to change it at this point than it can certainly stay as-is. There certainly won't be any riots in the streets. If it's not a big deal than I recommend it be swapped with one of the good empires. Looking at the Good kingdom names Tarth seems the most appropriate swap to me, but almost any of them would do.
For the record I think the other empire names should be double checked as well and will try to do so tomorrow.