This is an idea which I believe will provide inspiration and motivation for the Stardock developers. Basically during the lunch hour Stardock will play a fantasy movie for the staff. Since hands will be busy with their lunch their eyes can be watching one of many great fantasy movies. Why stare at the soda machine when your eyes could be watching a fantasy movie. The staff could also vote on which fantasy movies they wish to watch. Naturally a 2hr movie will be broken into two days and a 3hr movie into three days.
Even if you've already seen a great movie... watching a second time might recognize some fantasy elements otherwise missed/forgotten. Anyways I hope this makes your lunches more fun as well as inspirational.
I'm sure many on the forums will provide suggestions for great fantasy movies, but here's a few I recommend:
Lord of the Rings (all 3 movies)
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (there's other sinbads too)
Clash of the Titans (packed with fantasy elements)
Conan the Barbarian
King Kong (1933 and 2005) *no magic, but great creature battles