The basic mechanics of EVE are not very difficult. But as you get into more advanced ship fittings, there is considerable number crunching if you want to maximize your fit, and tons and tons of different equipment choices which can be daunting to newer players.
The tutorials have been revamped and improved several times, and they should do a good job introducing you to the game. Don't try to go too fast, and you'll do okay.
I would avoid a lot of specific skill training advice, as well, with the exception of: train learning skills as soon as you can. The rest, there are ways to get cruisers on a few-day old characters and things of that nature. It sounds good, but EVE is designed to be a bit more of a progression, with frigates to get you cheaply familiar with how the game and combat works. Cruisers you actually have to start thinking of how to fit, and most will require good secondary and tertiary skills to get good fits on - so don't rush, take your time.
There are several ingame channels to get help. There's a beginner NPC corp you'll start in, which do contain a good number of knowledgeable and longtime players who just didn't want to join a player corp. As long as you ask nicely, you can generally get good answers. There's also a specific newbie help channel, which should still be semi-moderated.