What URL are you specifically having an issue with? Depending on the site, the CSS changes drastically so unfortunately I am unable to help unless I know which site is the one with the problem.
I had assumed that their was only a single stylesheet called 'style.css'. Now I can see you have a master stylesheet https://forums.elementalgame.com/css/Base/style.css
And a theme style sheet https://forums.elementalgame.com/Themes/Elemental%20v2/css/style.css
My earlier suggestion was to change the master stylesheet so I understand your reluctance.
However, there is an equally easy fix within the theme stylesheet.
The problem is that the class 'alt' is used both in the forum posting AND in the alternate rows of the code editor. The alt class in the forum is specified in the theme stylesheet while the alt class in the code view is specified in the master stylesheet.
The alt class in the forum (line 102) is always applied to a div so instead of:
Code: css
- .body .forum .post .replies .alt { background : none repeat scroll 0 0 #151510 ; }
if a div qualifier is added it corrects the problems:
Code: css
- .body .forum .post .replies div.alt { background : none repeat scroll 0 0 #151510 ; }
or you could use the 'reply' class instead of the div:
Code: css
- .body .forum .post .replies .reply.alt { background : none repeat scroll 0 0 #151510 ; }
Tested both of these and they work.